PRAISE Worship 2012: AND

What You Need to Know As You Enter In

Devotional Journal Jan. 2-31, 2012




Praise & Worship 2012

Worship 2012: 3

Plan of Salvation




“Today I prayed …”


Enter Into Praise and Worship


Praise Devotionals - Days 1-15

What You Need to Know As You Enter In


Enter Into Worship – Special Message From Minister Stephen Hurd


Worship Devotionals - Days 16-30


Music and the Worship Experience


Praise & Worship CDs to Help Tune Your Heart to God


Write Your Praise & Worship Song


Additional Praise & Worship Songs


Godly vs. Ungodly Worship


Prayer, Praise & Worship Messages From Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.


This book is dedicated to all who desire to live a life of devotion and surrender to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Plan of Salvation Romans 3:10 – As it is written: There is none righteous, no, not one; Romans 3:23 – for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Romans 5:12 – Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned. Romans 5:8 – But God demonstrates His own love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 6:23 – For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 10:9-10 – that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10:13 – For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. “As John 4:23 says, it’s time, as worshipers of God, to give him all we have. For when He is exalted, everything about me is decreased. So many times we stand in the way of really stepping and the ‘expected’ ways of praise & worship and get lost in the holy of holies with the sole intention of blessing the Father’s heart.” – Jessica Leah Springer

What you need to know as you enter in

into the secret place of worship with God. Just abandon tradition


Introduction Praise and worship is not an event. Rather for the born-again believer, it should be a lifestyle. Praise is a verb, it is what we do. “While I live I will praise the LORD; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being” (Psalm 146:2). Praise is also a noun, because it is who we are – for we were created to show forth His praise (Isaiah 43:21). Therefore, for the believer, praise and worship is not the event that happens before church gets started. It’s not the first part of a program or the beginning of revival. Rather praise and worship is a lifestyle. “I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth” (Psalm 34:1). Both private and public, our praise and worship experience is to be the offering we bring to the King of kings and Lord of lords. Praise and worship connects heaven and earth, transcends pain and heartache, brings hope in darkness, gives voice to unspeakable joy and frees the spirit to soar with the angels. Our praise in private should only be interrupted by times of corporate praise. And when we gather for those times, we are to bring praise with us. Psalm 100:4a says we are to “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise.”

Praise & Worship 2012

As we enter into 2012 and journey through this devotional, our prayer is that your praise and worship experience will be lifted to another level – and that you will experience a fellowship with Jesus as never before.


To God be the Glory! Praise His holy name!

Today I prayed …

By Minister Stephen Hurd Today I prayed that GOD would love me and teach me how to love others Today I prayed that GOD would help me to hear His voice, respond and live in the sound of victory Today I prayed that GOD’s strength would help my weaknesses and show me courage to resist the pull of the enemy Today I prayed that the enemies of hell wouldn’t prosper over me and that God would cover me, even if the enemy is me Today I prayed that my concerns and cares were the same as His Today I prayed that fear would be conquered and faith would soar like an eagle above high mountains Today I prayed for my friends, that their dreams and aspirations would come to pass as it pleased GOD Today I prayed for my family that they might come to know the love of JESUS in power and in truth Today I prayed against sickness and disease all over the world, and I called on the healing power of GOD through my Lord Jesus Christ to arrest illness and bring HEALING Today I prayed for children of all races, denominations and nations around the world that GOD would keep them pure and unharmed Today I prayed for presidents, governors, leaders, preachers, pastors and spiritual leaders all over the world that GOD’s wisdom would be their portion Today I prayed for the PEACE OF JERUSALEM Today I prayed for Africa, the mother continent, and all the people there Today I prayed against racism, sexism and classism, and that GOD would fill us with His love that will make us ONE Today I prayed for the poor and GOD told me that they’ll be with us always ...

Today I prayed that my worship would outweigh worry Today I prayed that peace would sustain us and cause despair to surrender … PEACE Today I prayed that as Jesus prayed for Peter that his faith would not fail, that He, Christ Jesus, would pray for me, too Today, I prayed ...

What you need to know as you enter in

Today I prayed for the men and women who struggle with habits and addictions that GOD would release wholeness to them, so that they might learn to depend on HIM as their source and resource Today I prayed for husbands and wives that the bond and union He put together would be restored with grace and LOVE Today I prayed for the single sister and the single brother that they would enjoy the season of SOLO LIFE, count it as a blessing and not a curse Today I prayed that we could posture ourselves that WHATEVER our lot, we would declare in faith that IT IS WELL in Christ Jesus, Our Lord!!!


Enter into Praise and Worship

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“When I worship, I would rather my heart be without words than my

words be without heart.”



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DEVOTIONAL Praise Him With All Your Might II Samuel 6:1-23 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Corporate Prayer Focus: That we praise God with all our might!

What you need to know as you enter in

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?




DEVOTIONAL Praise Him With Thanksgiving I Chronicles 16:7-36 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Praise & Worship 2012

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


Corporate Prayer Focus: That we give thanks to the Lord because He is good!



DEVOTIONAL Praise Him With Your Finances I Chronicles 29:1-30 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Corporate Prayer Focus: That with joy and a perfect heart we willingly bring our offering to the Lord!

What you need to know as you enter in

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?




DEVOTIONAL Praise Him With Gratefulness Psalm 100:1-5 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Praise & Worship 2012

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


Corporate Prayer Focus: That we will honor God with grateful praise!



DEVOTIONAL Praise Him Until His Glory Comes II Chronicles 5:11-14 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Corporate Prayer Focus: That the glory of the Lord continually fills our temple!

What you need to know as you enter in

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?




DEVOTIONAL Praise Him When You’re Outnumbered II Chronicles 20:1-30 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Praise & Worship 2012

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


Corporate Prayer Focus: That we position ourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord!



DEVOTIONAL Praise Him for His Revelations Daniel 2:1-30 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Corporate Prayer Focus: That we stay in position to receive revelation!

What you need to know as you enter in

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?




DEVOTIONAL Praise Him for His Mighty Favor Luke 1:26-56 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Praise & Worship 2012

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


Corporate Prayer Focus: That we live and rejoice in the favor of God!



DEVOTIONAL Praise Him in Your Midnight Hour Acts 16:25-34 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Corporate Prayer Focus: That we understand, regardless of our circ*mstances, God is still worthy to be praised!

What you need to know as you enter in

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


DAY 10


DEVOTIONAL Praise Him Continually Psalm 34:1-22 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Praise & Worship 2012

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


Corporate Prayer Focus: That we bless the Lord at all times!

DAY 11


DEVOTIONAL Praise Him Because He Helps His People Psalm 146:1-10 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Corporate Prayer Focus: That we place all our hope in the Lord, our Help!

What you need to know as you enter in

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


DAY 12


DEVOTIONAL Praise Him Because He Controls Everything Psalm 147:1-20 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Praise & Worship 2012

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


Corporate Prayer Focus: That we trust in the divine intervention and rule of God!

DAY 13


DEVOTIONAL Praise Him Because He’s the Creator Psalm 148:1-14 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Corporate Prayer Focus: That we praise our Creator!

What you need to know as you enter in

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


DAY 14


DEVOTIONAL Praise Him Because He Likes It Psalm 149:1-9 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Praise & Worship 2012

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


Corporate Prayer Focus: That we give God what He wants!

DAY 15


DEVOTIONAL Praise Him Because He Said So Psalm 150:1-6 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Corporate Prayer Focus: That we praise the Lord!

What you need to know as you enter in

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


Enter into Worship Worship ... The Heart Connection By Minister Stephen Hurd Minister of Music First Baptist Church of Glenarden

Worship is a word we hear a lot in our churches and communities. It has taken on many different meanings. To some, it means singing and to others, it means laying prostrate on the floor. Many attribute worship to music and songs, while some marry it to motions and a formula. There are so many different interpretations, but all attempt to please the Lord God. Worship isn’t a list of rules or a lot of acrobatics that we do in the Christian church. However, it is the expression of love that we live to display to God. It is demonstrated in many different ways, such as: 1. Prayer: Talking to God to establish a relationship. This is when you allow your heart to be exposed to the Master. 2. Singing: Lifting up your heart’s groanings and utterances through song, in an attempt to make the environment sweet and fresh to please the Lord. 3. Swaying: “Baraking” in the Hebrew, which means you sway back and forth with great adoration to the Creator of the heavens and the earth. In addition, this means admiring, adoring and adorning Him with the perfumes of praise with no requests.

Praise & Worship 2012

There are so many ways to worship God, including bowing and paying divine respect to Him. However, even if you do all of these things and do not have your heart connected, you’ve simply gone through the motions. If your heart isn’t attached to it … YOU HAVE NEVER HONORED GOD IN WORSHIP. Real worship will introduce you to the Glory of God.


Glory: The weight or heaviness of God’s person. It is the force that comes to make His manifest presence known. (I Kings 8:10-11)

Worship is an extension of your relationship with God. It can be nurtured daily through prayer, reading and meditation in God’s Word. Worship is about love and romance with the Lord. Since the beginning of time, God has always wanted to be close to us. It is His desire that we be in intimate covenant with Him. That is what the Garden of Eden was all about. The word Eden refers to the place of God’s presence. When Adam and Eve were removed from Eden, they were removed from God’s presence. His presence, therefore, is so much more than a feeling. It is an invitation somewhere, a journey. This thing called worship is, and has always been, a love affair between God and the church. To understand worship and apply it to your daily walk, there are some things you must do. Personally, had I not applied these principles, I would probably be dead or not walking in the perfect will of God for my life.

“Without worship, we go about miserable.” – A. W. Tozer

Be Honest With God (Consecrate) A. The man that hides sin cannot prosper. (Proverbs 28:13) B. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us/you. (1 John 1:9) C. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:2)

Romance the Lord With Songs of Worship A. Sing unto the Lord a new song. (Psalm 33:3) B. Sing praises to the LORD, you saints of His … give thanks unto the remembrance of His holy name. (Psalm 30:4) C. The Lord is a refuge … And will rejoice over you with singing. (Zephaniah 3:17)

What you need to know as you enter in

Develop an Intimate Relationship With God A. Early will I seek You. (Psalm 63) B. As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after Thee. (Psalm 42) C. That I may know Him in the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering. (Phillipians 3:10)


When you allow your focus to be on the Creator of heaven and earth, and His person, you won’t lose yourself in rules. You begin to go after God, like a dog goes after a bone. Know that in His presence is the FULLNESS of JOY. I believe when the people of God really grab the truth of worship, we’ll be like Mary and Elizabeth in our spiritual bellies (Luke 1:41-45). I pray that the Holy Ghost of God will make our baby leap. That leap will just be a validation of our direction, our destiny, our purpose and pleasing the heart of our God. In the words of Bishop Darryl Brister, “Praise and worship is the air that is breathed through the lungs of faith. It is the oxygen to the brain of the soul. And if you ever refuse to praise and worship God, you will literally die of a suffocated spirit because God desires your praise.” Worship is being with God, spirit to Spirit. This is the height of spiritual intimacy. I pray that the indictment stated by Jesus in Matthew 15:7-9 will never be made against us, when He said the people “honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.”

Praise & Worship 2012

Rather, let it be as the sentiment Jesus expressed to the Samaritan woman: “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:23-24).


DAY 16


Worship God in Spirit and in Truth John 4:7-26 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Corporate Prayer Focus: That our worship be filled with God’s Spirit and truth!

What you need to know as you enter in

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


DAY 17


Worship God, Obey God Psalm 95:1-11 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Praise & Worship 2012

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


Corporate Prayer Focus: That our worship is validated by our obedience!

DAY 18


Worship God, Beware of Idolatry Deuteronomy 4:15-40 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Corporate Prayer Focus: That we guard our hearts so that they belong fully and completely to God!

What you need to know as you enter in

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


DAY 19


Worship God, Only God Daniel 3:1-30 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Praise & Worship 2012

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


Corporate Prayer Focus: That we do not serve or worship the gods of this world!

DAY 20


Worship God, Despite Your Troubles Job 1:1-22 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Corporate Prayer Focus: That our worship remains steadfast, even during times of trouble!

What you need to know as you enter in

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


DAY 21


Worship God, Forsake False gods II Chronicles 7:1-22 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Praise & Worship 2012

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


Corporate Prayer Focus: That we turn from wicked ways and forsake false gods!

DAY 22


Worship God, Give Him Your Best Genesis 4:1-12, Hebrews 11:4 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Corporate Prayer Focus: That by faith we honor God with our first and our best!

What you need to know as you enter in

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


DAY 23


Worship God, Present Your Gifts to Him Matthew 2:1-12 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Praise & Worship 2012

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


Corporate Prayer Focus: That we will seek Him, find Him and worship Him!

DAY 24


Worship God, Our Healer Luke 17:11-19 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Corporate Prayer Focus: That when we see what God has done, we’ll loudly open our mouths, glorify Him and worship at His feet!

What you need to know as you enter in

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


DAY 25


Worship God, Know Him Acts 17:16-34 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Praise & Worship 2012

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


Corporate Prayer Focus: That people everywhere come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior!

DAY 26


Worship God Because He Sits on the Throne Revelation 4:1-11 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Corporate Prayer Focus: That we worship Him who was and is and is to come!

What you need to know as you enter in

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


DAY 27


Worship God Because He’s Worthy Revelation 5:1-14 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Praise & Worship 2012

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


Corporate Prayer Focus: That we’ll worship and behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David!

DAY 28


Worship God Because He’s the Redeemer Revelation 7:9-17 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Corporate Prayer Focus: That we’ll wash our robes in the blood of the Lamb!

What you need to know as you enter in

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


DAY 29


Worship God Because He’s King of kings and Lord of lords Revelation 19:1-16 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Praise & Worship 2012

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


Corporate Prayer Focus: That we fall at His feet and worship!

DAY 30


Worship God Because He’s Coming Back Revelation 22:1-21 What areas of my life can I apply this to?

What steps can I take?

Corporate Prayer Focus: That we’re ready when He comes!

What you need to know as you enter in

What does this teach me about God, people and/or me?


MUSIC AND THE WORSHIP EXPERIENCE Music, now as in biblical times, plays an integral part in the praise and worship experience. Music is to praise and worship, what the shoe string is to the shoe. Like the button on a shirt or the zipper on a dress, music helps pull the whole worship experience together. Of course you can have worship with or without music, and there’s nothing wrong with either option. Many early churches, some churches today and even those living in foreign lands, worship God without musical accompaniment. However, when a melody played on an instrument meets the harmony of angelic voices – when sopranos, altos and tenors vocally dance in unison that speak words of admiration, gratitude and devotion – the praise and worship reaches another level. God must take great pleasure in this musical combination and worship experience because the Bible tells us that the heavens are filled with music, singing and worship (Revelation 5). As in heaven, this same musical combination was an integral component in services at the temple. Specific groups of the Levitical tribe were designated as temple musicians and singers, whose duty was to offer praises unto God (I Chronicles 6:31-33, 9:33-34, 13:7-8, 23:4-5). The Bible is also full of references to cymbals, flutes, trombones, harps, organs, pipes, tambourines, trumpets and more, being used in the praise and worship experience (I Chronicles 15:15-29). Throughout Scripture we are encouraged to sing to the Lord (Judges 5:3; I Chronicles 16:23; Psalm 95:1, 147:7). In Ephesians 5:19, it says those filled with the Spirit should be found “… speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.”

Colossians 3:16 declares “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all

Praise & Worship 2012

wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”


Jesus demonstrated this when He sang a psalm with His disciples before going to the Garden of Gethsemane the night He was betrayed (Matthew 26:30). In the natural, music offers many benefits. Music, often called the language of the soul, can reduce stress, reduce one’s blood pressure and heart rate, and reduce pain through the release of endorphins. Music has also been shown to stimulate brain cells, boost exercise performance, promote sound sleep, increase optimism and help one cope with serious illness.

For the believer, in addition to the aforementioned items, music aids in the celebration of faith and helps tune the body, mind, spirit and soul to the heartbeat of God. In fact, music helps usher the believer into the very presence of God Himself! The Bible tells us that He inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3). Perhaps that’s why the Bible states that His praise should continually be in our mouths (Psalm 34:1b). If His praises are continually in our mouths and He inhabits those praises, then the fullness of His presence will continually be with us. In both private and corporate times of worship, let’s remember the significance of music as an element, a component, a belt around a biblically based praise and worship experience that’s inhabited by the King of kings and Lord of lords.

Praise & Worship CDs to Help Tune Your Heart to God • That Was Then, This is Now by First Baptist Church of Glenarden • Call to Worship: Live in DC by Stephen Hurd • My Destiny by Stephen Hurd • The Experience by Rhema Worship and Praise • Live byShekinah Glory Ministry • Praise Is What I DO by Shekinah Glory Ministry

• Urban Worship by Todd Rasean • Church on the Moon by Detrick Haddon • Encore by James Fortune & FIYA • Access Granted by The Anointed Pace Sisters • Place of Worship by Phil Travers • Second Coming by Mali Music • No Looking Back by Damita Haddon • Hello Fear by Kirk Franklin

• The Promise by Y’anna Crawley

• Women of Worship-Gospel by Various Artists

• Bless You God by Meaghan Williams • Earnestly Yours by Earnest Pugh • Right Now Praise by Jonathan Nelson • Smile by Tasha Cobbs • Darwin Hobbs Live: Champion by Darwin Hobbs • Faithful to Believe by Byron Cage • Deeper Level by Israel and New Breed

• Spiritual by Donald Lawrence & Co. • Triumphant by Vashawn Mitchell • As We Worship Live by William McDowell • Testify by Dottie Peoples • The Very Best of Dorothy Norwood by Dorothy Norwood

What you need to know as you enter in

• The Throne Room byCeCe Winans


SING UNTO THE LORD A NEW SONG Psalm 144:9 “I will sing a new song to You, O God …” The Bible is filled with songs of praise and worship. A variety of people wrote them including Moses, Miriam, David, Solomon, Deborah and Barak. In fact, each psalm was written to be shared as songs. Here’s one found in II Samuel 22:1-4: “Then David spoke to the LORD

the words of this song, on the day when the LORD had delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul. And he said: “The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; The God of my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, My stronghold and my refuge; My Savior, You save me from violence. I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to

Praise & Worship 2012

be praised; So shall I be saved from my enemies.”


Write your song of praise to the Lord. This is a great way to present a special offering of praise and worship unto our God!


What you need to know as you enter in


Additional Praise and Worship Songs As The Deer Written by Martin Nystrom Recorded by various artists Verse 1 As the deer panteth for the water So my soul longeth after Thee You alone are my heart’s desire And I long to worship Thee Verse 2 You’re my friend And You are my brother Even though You are a King I love You more than any other So much more than anything Verse 3 I want You more than gold Or silver Only You can satisfy You alone are the real joy giver And the apple of my eye Chorus You alone are my strength my shield To You alone may my spirit yield You alone are my heart’s desire And I long to worship Thee Why I Came

Praise & Worship 2012

Written by Keith C. Laws Recorded by Minister Stephen Hurd


I just came to lift the name of Jesus I just came to lift the name of Jesus I came to give Him praise Worship His holy name That’s the only reason why I came I just came to tell Him that I love Him I just came to tell Him that I love Him I came to give Him praise

Worship His holy name That’s the only reason why I came I just came to give Him all the glory I just came to give Him all the glory I came to give Him praise Worship His holy name That’s the only reason why I came I came to praise Him, Worship His name I came to praise Him, Worship His name I came to lift Him, worship His name I came to love Him, worship His name Glorify Him, worship His name I came to praise, Him worship His name Came to give Him praise, worship His holy name Came to give Him praise, worship His holy name Came to give Him praise, worship His holy name That’s the only reason why I came Vamp: Magnify His name Magnify His name Magnify His name Glorify His name Glorify His name Glorify His name Came to give Him praise, worship His holy name Came to give Him praise, worship His holy name Came to give Him praise, worship His holy name Ending: That’s the only reason why I came




Godly Worship

Ungodly Worship

Godly worshipers have no other gods before the true and living God – Exodus 20:1-3, Matthew 6:24, Deuteronomy 5:7

It is ungodly to worship false gods – Exodus 20:4-6, Exodus 32:1-9, I John 5:21, Matthew 4:10

Godly worshipers do not make, serve or bow down to other gods – Exodus 20:4-5, I John 2:15, Leviticus 26:1

It is ungodly to worship and serve any creature (man, animal or creation) in place of the Creator – Romans 1:22-25, Matthew 10:37, 2 Timothy 3:4

Godly worshipers remove their body and their hearts from ungodly things and ungodly places of worship – Deuteronomy 12:1-4, Deuteronomy 7:25-26, Exodus 34:12-17

It is ungodly to worship with lip service after the tradition of men – Matthew 15:7-9, Mark 7:6-9, Isaiah 29:13

Godly worshipers bring their offerings to God’s appointed place of worship – Ezekiel 20:39-40, Deuteronomy 12:5-9

Godly worshipers do not pollute the holy with the unholy – Deuteronomy 12:29-32, Ezekiel 23:36-49, Romans 1:24-28 Godly worship is done in spirit and in truth – John 4:23-24, 1 John 5:20, I Samuel 12:24

Do not grieve the Spirit of God – Ephesians 4:30, Hebrews 3:10, I Thessalonians 5:19 It is ungodly to cause confusion in worship – I Corinthians 14:1-34

“Whenever His people gather and worship Him, God promises He will make His presence known in their midst. On the other hand, where God’s people consistently neglect true spiritual worship, His manifest presence is rarely experienced.” – Ralph Mahoney

What you need to know as you enter in

Godly worshipers seek God’s appointed place; where God’s Word and His name abide there is fullness of joy – Deuteronomy 12:10-14

It is ungodly to mix immorality with worship – Numbers 25:1-9, Deuteronomy 4:3, Psalm 106:28-29



“A Command for Prayer” Matthew 9:37-38 8/28/11 “Praise & Worship” 1 Kings 3:16-28 2/6/11 “Reasons to Delight in God’s Word” Psalm 119:47-50 7/10/11 “The P.R.A.I.S.E. Pattern for Prayer” Matthew 6:5-13 6/26/11 “Praise & Worship” Bible Studies 10/13/09, 10/27/09 & 11/3/09

The First Baptist Church of Glenarden’s Media Center has these listed messages and many more from Pastor Jenkins available for purchase on CD and DVD. The Media Center also has various Bibles, gifts, books, music CDs and a wealth of other materials available for your spiritual growth and fulfillment.

Praise & Worship 2012

“A Clarion Call to Prayer” 1 Timothy 2:1-4 11/9/08


“Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.” –Hebrews 13:15

Writers, Editors and Contributors Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. Reverend Sherri Barnes Minister Deborah J. Chambers Minister Stephen Hurd Minister Allison Johnson FBCG Marketing & Public Relations Department

Sources New King James Bible Blueletterbible.org BiblePlus/The Bible Research Company Webster’s Dictionary

In Memory

We honor the memory of Deaconess Lynn R. Winters, who served God faithfully and departed this life for her heavenly home on April 7, 2011. Lynn was a part of the birth and continuation of these devotionals. Her partnership and support is deeply missed.

First Baptist Church of

Glenarden Worship Center 600 Watkins Park Drive Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 (mailing address) Ministry Center 3600 Brightseat Road Landover, MD 20785 301-773-3600 Church 301-341-5660 Fax www.fbcglenarden.org E-mail: [emailprotected] Stay connected with us at: www.facebook.com/firstbaptistglenarden www.twitter.com/FBCG



How many members does the First Baptist Church of Glenarden have? ›

Developing Dynamic Disciples

With more than 11,000 active members, FBCG is one of the largest congregations in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.

What Bible does First Baptist church use? ›

We hold to the Authorized Version (King James Bible) as the inerrant standard for English speaking people and believe we find within it the certainty of the words of truth (Psalm12:6-7; Proverbs 22:20-21).

How many children does Pastor John Jenkins have? ›

He and his wife Trina are the proud parents of six children and seven grandchildren.

What is the first Baptist doctrine? ›

We believe that all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ are justified, their sin is pardoned and the perfect righteousness of Christ is imputed to them; that they are regenerated or born again, and are given spiritual life, manifesting repentance and faith; and that such true believers grow in grace and shall endure ...

What is the most popular Baptist denomination? ›

The current largest U.S. based Baptist denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention, split from Triennial Baptists over their refusal to support slave-owning in 1845.

What is the rank in the Baptist church? ›

In the Baptist movement everyone is equal. There is no hierarchy of bishops or priests exercising authority over members or churches. Our structure exists to help and support one another as fellow believers.

Who is the youngest pastor in the United States? ›

In 2006, Platt was introduced as the new senior pastor of The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, Alabama. At age 27, he became the youngest megachurch pastor in the United States.

Which pastor lost his children? ›

He narrates how he lost his Children but went on to preach the same day .

What is pastor Jenkins denomination? ›

Leading First Baptist since 1989, Pastor Jenkins remains steadfast in his quest to “develop dynamic disciples.” He is recognized as a catalyst to help individuals grow into lifelong Christian disciples who follow Jesus Christ.

What is the First Baptist Church scandal? ›

Preying from the Pulpit was a mini-news series produced in May 1993 by WJBK of Detroit, Michigan, for the 11:00 pm news. The news report argued that sexual abuse in seven different churches around the United States were all connected to First Baptist Church of Hammond and its Pastor, Jack Hyles.

What makes Baptists different from other Christians? ›

The primary difference between Baptists and other Christians is the practice of believers' baptism. Only people who have professed their faith can be baptized, in contrast to infant baptism practiced by most other Christian faiths, and baptism must occur by full-body immersion in water.

What's the difference between Baptist and Evangelical? ›

Baptists form a major branch of evangelical Protestantism distinguished by baptizing only professing Christian believers (believer's baptism) and doing so by complete immersion.

What is the biggest church in Kentucky? ›

Southeast Christian Church - Wikipedia.

How many members of the Baptist church are there? ›

In 2020, according to the researcher Sébastien Fath of the CNRS, the Baptist movement has around 170 million believers in the world. According to a census released in 2023, the BWA includes 253 participating fellowships in 130 countries, with 176,000 churches and 51 million baptized members.

How big is the first baptist church in Houston? ›

Our New Facility. The Sienna Campus facility will expand from approximately 21,000 square feet to around 74,000 square feet, including a Worship Center with 9,300 square feet and seating for at least 600 worshippers.

Who is pastor John Jenkins? ›

Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. has been preaching the Good News since becoming licensed as a minister in 1973 at the age of 15. From an early age, he developed a love of the Lord and felt called to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Today, he serves as the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Glenarden.


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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.