EU4: A Comprehensive Guide to Custom Nations - EU4 Paradise (2024)

Welcome to the vibrant and intricate world of Europa Universalis IV (EU4), a game that not only challenges your strategic and diplomatic skills but also lets your imagination soar with the creation of custom nations.

Whether you are a beginner just embarking on your first grand campaign, or an intermediate player looking to add a personal touch to your global empire, this guide is designed to walk you through the captivating journey of crafting your very own nation in EU4.

Custom nations in EU4 aren’t just a feature; they’re a gateway to endless possibilities. They allow you to step beyond the boundaries of history, to rewrite the narratives of empires, or even to create a nation that history forgot.

This unique aspect of the game opens up a realm where your strategic prowess meets your creativity, giving you the power to mold the political, cultural, and military landscape of your world.

Whether you want to build a merchant republic with unparalleled economic strength, a nomadic tribe with fearsome cavalry, or a theocratic kingdom guided by divine will, the Nation Designer tool in EU4 lays the canvas for your aspirations.

In this guide, you will find everything you need to know about creating and playing as a custom nation. We will start with the basics – how to access the Nation Designer and the initial steps of nation creation.

You’ll learn about choosing your capital, selecting the right government form, and the significance of culture and religion in your nascent empire. But it’s not just about laying the groundwork; we’ll delve into the heart of what makes a custom nation truly yours – the customization options.

From crafting your national ideas to balancing your technological advancements, every decision will shape the identity of your nation.

As we proceed, you’ll discover the nuances of the points system, a critical component in balancing your custom creation. We’ll provide you with strategies to distribute your points effectively, ensuring that your nation is not only unique but also viable in the complex world of EU4.

Table of Contents

As we proceed, you’ll discover the nuances of the points system, a critical component in balancing your custom creation. We’ll provide you with strategies to distribute your points effectively, ensuring that your nation is not only unique but also viable in the complex world of EU4.

The guide will also cover essential aspects such as military prowess, diplomatic relations, and economic stability, offering you insights into how to leverage these for your nation’s success.

But this guide is not just about the technicalities; it’s about inspiring you to bring your vision to life. With examples, tips, and encouragement sprinkled throughout, you will be equipped not only with knowledge but also with confidence to experiment and explore.

By the end of this guide, you’ll not only have a deeper understanding of custom nations in EU4 but also a sense of excitement to create a legacy that is distinctly your own.

So, let’s embark on this journey together and unlock the full potential of your creativity in the grand stage of Europa Universalis IV. Welcome to your canvas; let’s create a masterpiece.

Getting Started with Custom Nations

Creating a custom nation in Europa Universalis IV (EU4) is an exciting and creative process. This comprehensive section will guide you through the detailed steps of creating your very own custom nation, highlighting key aspects of the Nation Designer along with essential tips for beginners.

Accessing the Nation Designer

  1. Start a New Game: From the EU4 main menu, select ‘Single Player’ to start a new game.
  2. Choose the ‘Custom Nation’ Option: In the game setup screen, click on the ‘Custom Nation’ button, usually located at the bottom right.
  3. Select Your Starting Date: Remember, the Nation Designer is available for any starting date from 1444 to 1821.
  4. Non-Ironman Mode: Ensure you are in non-Ironman mode, as custom nations are not available in Ironman due to achievements.

Setting Your Nation’s Foundation

  1. Choosing a Location:
    • Click on any unoccupied province to set as your capital.
    • Tip for Beginners: Consider starting in a less crowded region to avoid early conflicts.
  2. Selecting Government and Culture:
    • Choose a government type that aligns with your intended playstyle.
    • Select a primary culture and religion. These choices impact diplomatic relations and internal stability.
    • Beginner’s Tip: Familiar cultures and religions can ease your management tasks.

Customizing National Ideas

  1. Crafting Your Ideas:
    • Allocate points to create custom national ideas, traditions, and ambitions.
    • Balance between military, administrative, and diplomatic ideas.
    • Beginner’s Tip: Focus on a few key strengths to make your nation distinctive.
  2. Understanding the Points System:
    • Each customization, including province selection, costs points. The more powerful the feature, the more points it costs.
    • Tip: Beginners should aim for a balanced approach to avoid overspending points in one area.

Designing Your Nation’s Identity

  1. Flag and Name:
    • Design a unique flag that represents your nation’s identity.
    • Choose a name, adjective, and map color that reflect your nation’s character.
    • Creative Tip: Use historical or fictional inspirations for a unique touch.
  2. Advanced Options:
    • Customize your ruler, heir, and government ranks.
    • Adjust technology group and unit type according to your strategic preference.
    • Beginner’s Tip: Stick to familiar options initially, and experiment as you gain more experience.

Balancing Strategy and Creativity

  1. Military and Diplomatic Setup:
    • Determine your military strengths and weaknesses.
    • Set initial allies and rivals. This impacts your early-game diplomacy and conflicts.
    • Strategic Tip: Consider your geographical position and potential threats when setting up alliances.
  2. Economic Foundation:
    • Allocate resources to ensure a strong economic base.
    • Focus on trade, production, or taxation based on your nation’s location and ideas.
    • Economic Tip: Beginners should ensure a stable income to support military and diplomatic efforts.

Finalizing Your Creation

  1. Review and Adjust:
    • Double-check all your selections and make any necessary adjustments.
    • Ensure that your nation is balanced and aligns with your intended gameplay style.
    • Last Tip: Don’t hesitate to revisit and modify your nation as you learn more about the game.
  2. Save and Start Playing:
    • Once satisfied, save your custom nation.
    • Start your game and embark on your unique journey in EU4.

By following these steps and tips, you can create a custom nation that not only represents your strategic and creative vision but also provides a fulfilling and enjoyable gameplay experience in EU4.

Remember, the beauty of custom nations lies in their flexibility and the freedom they offer to experiment. So, let your imagination run wild and enjoy the process of bringing your unique nation to life in the grand world of Europa Universalis IV.

Custom Nation Design and Strategies in EU4

Designing a custom nation in Europa Universalis IV (EU4) requires a strategic balance of creativity and gameplay mechanics.

In this comprehensive section, we’ll explore the nation points system, discuss how to effectively allocate points, and delve into strategies for choosing your starting location, culture, and religion.

Understanding the Points System

  1. Basics of the Points System:
    • Every feature in the Nation Designer, from provinces to national ideas, costs points.
    • The total points available depend on the game settings (e.g., difficulty level, custom or random setup).
  2. Points Allocation Strategy:
    • Balancing Act: Aim for a balanced approach between military, administrative, and diplomatic strengths.
    • Focus on Essentials: Prioritize core elements like a strong capital, strategic provinces, and impactful national ideas.
  3. Limits and Challenges:
    • Point Limit: Custom nations have a points limit, which varies based on the game setup.
    • Challenge of Balance: Strive to create a viable nation without exceeding the points limit.

Selecting a Starting Location

  1. Geographical Considerations:
    • Strategic Value: Coastal provinces for naval power, central locations for land expansion, or remote areas for safety.
    • Resource Richness: Provinces with valuable trade goods or high development potential.
  2. Impact on Gameplay:
    • Early Game Dynamics: Your location can define your initial challenges and opportunities.
    • Long-Term Expansion: Consider how your starting location will affect your expansion strategy.
  3. Location Strategy Tips:
    • For Beginners: Start in less competitive regions to learn the game mechanics.
    • For Intermediate Players: Choose more challenging and competitive areas to test your strategic skills.

Choosing Culture and Religion

  1. Cultural Considerations:
    • Diplomatic Relations: Shared cultures can lead to better relations with neighbors.
    • Internal Stability: A unified culture reduces internal unrest.
  2. Religious Dynamics:
    • Religious Tolerance: Some religions offer better tolerance of heretics and heathens.
    • Unique Mechanics: Certain religions have unique mechanics and bonuses that can shape your gameplay.
  3. Culture and Religion Strategy:
    • Align with Goals: Choose a culture and religion that align with your nation’s goals and playstyle.
    • Consider Long-Term Impacts: How will your choices affect your diplomatic and internal affairs?

Effective Points Allocation

  1. Balancing National Ideas:
    • Focus on Synergy: Select ideas that synergize with your nation’s strengths and strategy.
    • Diverse Coverage: Ensure a mix of military, administrative, and diplomatic ideas.
  2. Managing Province Points:
    • Strategic Provinces: Invest in provinces that offer strategic advantages (e.g., trade nodes, natural harbors).
    • Development vs. Quantity: Balance between acquiring many low-development provinces and a few high-development ones.
  3. Customization Within Limits:
    • Ruler and Heir: Allocate points to ruler and heir abilities judiciously.
    • Government Form and Technology Group: Choose options that offer long-term benefits without excessive point costs.

Advanced Strategies

  1. Trade and Economy Focus:
    • Trade Power: Invest in coastal provinces with high trade value.
    • Economic Ideas: Select national ideas that boost trade efficiency and production.
  2. Military and Diplomatic Emphasis:
    • Military Might: Allocate points for strong military ideas if you plan an aggressive expansion.
    • Diplomatic Maneuvering: Invest in diplomatic ideas for a nation focused on alliances and vassalization.
  3. Unique Nation Concepts:
    • Historical What-Ifs: Create nations based on historical conjectures or alternate history scenarios.
    • Fantasy Nations: Let your imagination guide you to create entirely fictional nations with unique themes.

Designing a custom nation in EU4 is an art that blends strategic planning with creative expression. By understanding the points system and strategically choosing your nation’s location, culture, and religion, you can craft a nation that is not only unique but also capable of standing the test of time in the ever-changing world of Europa Universalis IV.

Remember, the key is to balance your aspirations with the practical limits of the game, and above all, to enjoy the process of creating and leading your custom nation to glory.

Customization Options in EU4’s Custom Nations

Europa Universalis IV (EU4) offers a plethora of customization options for players looking to create their own custom nation. This section delves into these options, focusing on how to tailor them to enhance your gameplay experience, with a special emphasis on selecting national ideas.

National Ideas: The Cornerstone of Customization

  1. Understanding National Ideas:
    • National ideas define the strengths and unique characteristics of your nation.
    • They consist of seven ideas, along with one starting tradition and one end ambition.
  2. Choosing Ideas Wisely:
    • Balance is Key: Aim for a mix of military, administrative, and diplomatic ideas to handle various game challenges.
    • Synergy with Goals: Select ideas that synergize with your overall strategy and goals.
  3. Impact on Gameplay:
    • National ideas can significantly influence your nation’s performance in war, diplomacy, and internal management.
    • They can unlock unique strategies and paths in the game.

Government, Culture, and Religion

  1. Selecting a Government Type:
    • Each government type offers different bonuses and mechanics.
    • Tip: Choose a government that complements your chosen national ideas and playstyle.
  2. Choosing Culture and Religion:
    • Your choice of primary culture and religion can impact diplomatic relations and internal stability.
    • Strategy Advice: Align these choices with your geographical location and expansion plans.

Military and Diplomatic Options

  1. Military Customization:
    • Allocate points to military strength based on whether you plan a more aggressive or defensive stance.
    • Beginners’ Tip: A strong military can be a safety net while you learn the game’s complexities.
  2. Diplomatic Relations:
    • Set initial allies and rivals. This can define your early diplomatic landscape.
    • Intermediate Strategy: Use diplomacy to balance against stronger neighbors or to carve out a sphere of influence.

Economy and Trade

  1. Economic Strengths:
    • Focus on building a robust economy through trade efficiency, production, or taxation.
    • Economic Ideas: Choose ideas that bolster your chosen economic focus.
  2. Trade Nodes and Resources:
    • Prioritize provinces with valuable trade goods and strategic trade nodes.
    • Trade Strategy: A strong trade network can fund your ambitions, whether military or diplomatic.

Advanced Customization: Flags, Names, and More

  1. Creating a Unique Identity:
    • Design a unique flag, choose a fitting name, and pick a distinctive color for your nation.
    • Creative Tip: Draw inspiration from history, fantasy, or your own imagination.
  2. Ruler and Heir Customization:
    • Personalize your ruler and heir with traits and skills that match your nation’s ethos.
    • Balancing Points: Remember that stronger rulers and heirs cost more points.

The Art of Balancing Customization

  1. Points Management:
    • Balancing your points across different areas is crucial. Avoid overspending in one aspect at the expense of others.
    • Strategic Allocation: Prioritize areas that will have the most impact based on your planned playstyle.
  2. Experimentation and Learning:
    • Don’t be afraid to experiment with different combinations.
    • Learning Curve: Each game will teach you more about effective nation-building strategies.

Customizing a nation in EU4 is an intricate and rewarding process. It allows players to express their strategic and creative visions, shaping a nation that can navigate the challenges of a dynamic world.

By thoughtfully choosing national ideas, government type, military and economic strengths, and by crafting a unique national identity, you create not just a nation but a story – your story – ready to unfold on the grand stage of Europa Universalis IV.

Playing Your Custom Nation in EU4

Once you’ve created your custom nation in Europa Universalis IV (EU4), the next step is to bring it to life in the game. This section covers comprehensive strategies for military, trade, and diplomacy, and also touches on how gameplay styles differ in multiplayer and Ironman modes.

Military Strategy for Your Custom Nation

  1. Building a Strong Military Foundation:
    • Invest in a balanced army and navy, tailored to your geographical position and national ideas.
    • Tip: Coastal nations should focus on a strong navy, while landlocked nations might prioritize a formidable army.
  2. Warfare Tactics:
    • Use your military ideas to guide your warfare tactics. Aggressive nations might focus on offensive strategies, while defensive nations prioritize fortifications and alliances.
    • Beginner Strategy: Start with smaller conflicts to understand combat mechanics before engaging in major wars.
  3. Long-Term Military Planning:
    • Plan for military technology advancements and potential adversaries.
    • Advanced Tip: Anticipate future conflicts and prepare accordingly, whether through alliances or military buildup.

Trade Strategies for Economic Growth

  1. Maximizing Trade Income:
    • Focus on controlling key trade nodes and directing trade towards your home node.
    • Trade Ideas: Select national ideas that enhance trade efficiency and merchant power.
  2. Building a Trade Empire:
    • Use your navy to protect trade routes and expand your merchant fleet.
    • Intermediate Tip: Establish trade companies in foreign lands for additional trade power and income.
  3. Diversifying Economy:
    • Balance your focus between trade, production, and taxation for a robust economy.
    • Economic Balance: Ensure your economy can support your military and diplomatic endeavors.

Diplomatic Maneuvering in EU4

  1. Forming Alliances and Rivalries:
    • Carefully choose allies that complement your nation’s strengths and rivals that you can feasibly challenge.
    • Diplomatic Strategy: Use alliances to deter aggression and rivalries to focus your expansion.
  2. Managing Diplomatic Relations:
    • Engage in royal marriages, coalitions, and vassalization to expand your influence.
    • Tip for Beginners: Maintain positive relations with neighbors to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
  3. Long-Term Diplomatic Goals:
    • Set long-term objectives, such as forming a personal union or dismantling a rival empire.
    • Advanced Diplomatic Play: Engage in intricate diplomatic maneuvers to reshape the political landscape of the game.

Differences in Multiplayer and Ironman Modes

  1. Multiplayer Gameplay Dynamics:
    • Multiplayer introduces unpredictable human elements, requiring more flexible and adaptive strategies.
    • Multiplayer Tip: Communicate and negotiate with other players to form alliances or engage in diplomacy.
  2. Ironman Mode Considerations:
    • Ironman mode locks settings and disables save scumming, presenting a more challenging experience.
    • Ironman Strategy: Plan meticulously and be prepared for unexpected events, as decisions are permanent.
  3. Adapting Your Playstyle:
    • In multiplayer, be prepared for more dynamic diplomatic and military scenarios.
    • In Ironman, focus on risk management and long-term planning due to the lack of save reloading.

Playing your custom nation in EU4 is a rich and rewarding experience that combines strategic planning with adaptive gameplay.

Whether focusing on military dominance, economic prowess, or diplomatic intrigue, the key to success lies in leveraging your nation’s custom strengths. In multiplayer and Ironman modes, these strategies need to be adapted to the increased challenges and unpredictability.

Embrace the dynamic world of EU4, where each decision shapes the destiny of your nation, and every game unfolds a unique historical narrative.

Advanced Tips and Strategies for EU4 Custom Nations

For experienced Europa Universalis IV (EU4) players, mastering the art of nation-building and long-term gameplay requires a deeper understanding of the game’s intricate mechanics. This section delves into complex strategies for advanced players, focusing on efficient nation-building and sophisticated long-term tactics.

Mastering Nation-Building in EU4 Custom nations

  1. Optimizing National Ideas:
    • Carefully select ideas that complement each other and support your long-term strategy.
    • Advanced Tip: Look for synergies between ideas that can multiply your nation’s strengths.
  2. Strategic Province Selection:
    • Prioritize provinces with high development potential and strategic geographical positions.
    • Efficiency Key: Choose provinces that can serve multiple purposes, like boosting economy and military reach.
  3. Balancing Development:
    • Invest in both economic and military development to create a sustainable and powerful nation.
    • Long-Term Balance: Ensure your development strategy supports both immediate needs and future expansion.

Long-Term Gameplay Tactics

  1. Technological Advancement:
    • Stay ahead or in line with rivals in technology levels, particularly in military tech.
    • Research Focus: Prioritize technologies that align with your nation’s strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Expansion Strategy:
    • Plan your expansion carefully, considering both geographical advantages and potential coalitions against you.
    • Controlled Expansion: Expand at a pace that your economy and military can support.
  3. Advanced Diplomatic Plays:
    • Engage in high-level diplomacy, including playing major powers against each other.
    • Intricate Alliances: Form alliances not just for defense, but also to further your offensive goals.

Economic Mastery

  1. Trade Empire Building:
    • Dominate key trade nodes and establish a global trade network.
    • Global Trade Strategy: Use merchants and fleets to steer trade from far-flung regions to your home node.
  2. Economic Diversification:
    • Balance your income sources between trade, taxation, and production.
    • Economic Stability: A diversified economy can weather wars and other crises more effectively.

Military Superiority

  1. Advanced Warfare Techniques:
    • Utilize terrain, generals, and army composition to gain an edge in battles.
    • Tactical Warfare: Know when to engage, retreat, or use attrition to your advantage.
  2. Maintaining a Strong Navy:
    • Build a navy capable of protecting your trade routes and projecting power.
    • Naval Dominance: Control sea lanes to impede enemy movements and support amphibious operations.

Utilizing Events and Decisions

  1. Event Management:
    • Understand and anticipate key events and their impacts on your nation.
    • Proactive Response: Use events to your advantage, whether for gaining new territory or boosting internal development.
  2. Strategic Decisions:
    • Make decisions that align with your long-term goals, such as forming new countries or changing government types.
    • Decision Impact: Weigh the long-term benefits and drawbacks of each major decision.

For experienced players in EU4, the journey of custom nation-building and long-term gameplay is both challenging and immensely rewarding.

By mastering the nuances of national idea optimization, strategic expansion, advanced diplomatic and military strategies, and economic management, you can lead your custom nation to become a dominant global power.

The key is to continuously adapt, anticipate, and strategically plan each move, ensuring that every decision contributes to the grand vision of your nation’s legacy.

Achievements and Challenges in EU4 Custom Nations

Playing with custom nations in Europa Universalis IV (EU4) not only opens up a world of creativity and personalization but also presents unique achievements and challenges.

This section is designed to guide experienced players on how to attain specific custom nation achievements and suggest some engaging challenges to enhance their gameplay experience.

Achieving Custom Nation Milestones

  1. For Odin! Achievement:
    • Objective: Start as a Norse custom nation with 200 points and own all of Scandinavia and Britain.
    • Strategy: Focus on naval and military strength. Prioritize expansion into key regions early in the game.
  2. Ideas Guy Achievement:
    • Objective: As a custom nation with no more than 50 points, earn 500 ducats a month in income.
    • Economic Focus: Invest in trade and economic ideas. Select high-value trade provinces as your starting region.
  3. First Come, First Serve Achievement:
    • Objective: As a custom nation with 200 or fewer points, conquer all of the Americas.
    • Expansion Strategy: Focus on colonial growth and military conquest. Prioritize technology advancements for colonization.

Unique Custom Nation Challenges

Unique Custom Nation Challenges in EU4 involve creating custom nations with specific, often difficult conditions or objectives, offering players a more complex and rewarding gameplay experience beyond standard scenarios.

  1. The Tiny Giant Challenge:
    • Challenge: Start with a one-province nation and become a great power.
    • Tips: Focus on economic development and strategic alliances initially. Expand carefully, prioritizing valuable provinces.
  2. Cultural Unity Challenge:
    • Challenge: Form a nation that unifies a diverse cultural group (e.g., all Germanic or Slavic cultures).
    • Approach: Balance military conquests with diplomatic vassalization. Invest in ideas that reduce cultural conversion costs.
  3. Trade Hegemon Challenge:
    • Challenge: Dominate global trade as a small trading nation.
    • Strategy: Secure key trade nodes and expand your merchant fleet. Use diplomatic means to gain trade power in foreign nodes.
  4. Pacifist Power Challenge:
    • Challenge: Become a great power without declaring any wars.
    • Diplomatic Approach: Use vassals, personal unions, and peaceful expansion strategies like colonization. Focus on internal development and diplomatic influence.
  5. Reverse Colonialism Challenge:
    • Challenge: As a non-European nation, conquer and colonize Europe.
    • Expansion Tactics: Build a strong military and navy. Focus on westernizing and advancing technologically to compete with European powers.

Achievements and challenges in custom nations add a layer of depth and excitement to EU4 gameplay. Tackling these objectives not only tests your strategic acumen but also provides a refreshing perspective on nation-building and global conquest.

Whether you’re striving for specific achievements or setting your own unique challenges, each playthrough promises a new adventure and an opportunity to leave your mark on the world of Europa Universalis IV.

Conclusion: Embracing the Art of Custom Nation Building in EU4

As we wrap up this comprehensive guide to creating and playing custom nations in Europa Universalis IV, let’s revisit the key points that make this aspect of the game both fascinating and rewarding.

  • Custom Nation Creation: We’ve delved into the Nation Designer, exploring how to effectively use the points system, choose strategic locations, and select appropriate cultures and religions. This foundation sets the stage for a nation that reflects your strategic vision and creative flair.
  • Customization and Strategy: We discussed the vast array of customization options, from national ideas to government types, emphasizing the importance of aligning these choices with your gameplay style. The guide also highlighted the significance of balancing military, trade, and diplomatic strategies to ensure a well-rounded gameplay experience.
  • Advanced Tactics and Long-Term Play: For the more seasoned players, we ventured into complex strategies and long-term gameplay tactics, focusing on economic mastery, military superiority, and advanced diplomatic maneuvers.
  • Challenges and Achievements: Finally, we presented unique challenges and achievements tailored for custom nations, pushing the boundaries of standard gameplay and offering new layers of excitement and accomplishment.

The journey of creating and playing a custom nation in EU4 is as diverse as it is engaging. Each step in the nation-building process offers an opportunity to imprint your personal touch, whether it’s in the crafting of your nation’s identity or in the strategic decisions that guide its destiny.

We encourage you to experiment, personalize, and most importantly, enjoy the process. Whether you’re a beginner crafting your first nation or an experienced player tackling advanced challenges, the world of EU4 is your canvas.

Embrace the endless possibilities and create a story that is uniquely yours. Happy nation-building!

Additional Resources for Mastering EU4 Custom Nations

To further enhance your Europa Universalis IV experience and provide additional support as you delve into the world of custom nations, here are some valuable resources. These links and references include tutorials, forums, and community content, offering a wealth of information and a platform for engaging with fellow EU4 enthusiasts.

Official and Tutorials

  • EU4 Wiki: Europa Universalis 4 Wiki
    • A comprehensive resource for all things EU4, including detailed guides on nation-building, strategies, and game mechanics.
  • Paradox Interactive Tutorials: Paradox Interactive YouTube
    • Official tutorials and videos from Paradox Interactive, providing insights into game updates and features.

Community Forums and Discussions

  • EU4 Reddit Community: r/eu4
    • A vibrant community where you can discuss strategies, share your custom nation creations, and seek advice from experienced players.
  • Paradox Interactive Forums: Paradox Forums
    • Official forums hosting a range of discussions, from beginner questions to in-depth strategy talks.

Fan-Made Guides and Tools

  • EU4 Nation Designer Tool: EU4 Custom Nation Web Designer
    • An online tool that allows you to plan and visualize your custom nation before implementing it in the game.
EU4: A Comprehensive Guide to Custom Nations - EU4 Paradise (2024)


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.